govt of india appointed committee to do something. t jac is opposing its politicians and forcing them to resign.t movement is being running on screen irrespective of participants. students are aggressive....these are the problems.
govt appointed committee only to ensure peace in state and get reasons to their decision whether it is for division or united state is hidden agenda.and govt can take any decision next only after committee report.
trs rejected committee and many t politicians parties rejected, rejecting committee on one or other ground and asking T state with out any discussions.this is undemocratic, monarchism. monarchy never wins in india, dec.9 decision fall out is immediate example. as long as committee fails to submit its report govt of india can not take any decision, t leaders who are saying many reasons for separation must prove their validity before committee. their reasons are baseless and does not carry any weight thats why they are opposing committee.but one thing is sure whether separatists support or reject committee if committee rejects t state then these separatists, students will be handled with iron hand.these politicians rejecting committee becuse it will examine truth on one hand and on other hand move towards solving problem, once problem solves then they have no political future, thats why they resigned and ready to create problems...only but will not let problem solved.already congress put end to trs, bjp game by accepting their resignations, in their constuencies congress or tdp will win surely.
strong cm or some on ewho rules state under present cm is must now as immediate change of cm may be difficult but not impossible.strong cm will solve entire problem.as there is no problem except created game, rossaiah is inefficient.
is indian govt is that much weak to defeat student agitators? is indian govt is that much weak to defeat naxals and their activities in t fake movement directly, indirectly and in student mask? is indian govt is that much weak to fail to punish t agitators who are instigating rivalry, promoting attacks, warnings...against united ap voice in t region? answer to the above questions is definitely NO. indian govt is strong, ap govt is strong but political game from central level made ap govt, indian govt weak on screen. this is sad to india and its future.studets in t region,evry one directly attacking, threatening, ...united ap voice but none is doing any thing against these raskels instead taking decision to appease these rogues. is this is democracy? definitely not. the game from centre support got severe blow with united ap movement, but the fake movement created by it went out of its hands because of involvement of half minded fellows, anti social elements, now they do not listen their master's words. only law should act sternly.
united ap movement will start from now in t region. this is the major fear for these separatists. once it starts it will flood these separatists. because of this reason they are doing their best to continue t movement on screen and attack united ap voice, every one knows what is going on in t region in the name of t movement is with money and for money only, but some innocents losing their life by feeling this fake movement is true.once law acts tough on hard voices in t region then united ap voice will start with confidence, already it is moving in that direction.
the leader of state i.e.cm is the decider of this state destiny and path, success of any movement. if cm is strong united ap voice will start immediately, but due to weak person on cm chair it lost confidence to raise voice, of course t voice could not have risen if strong cm was there.it is the fate of ap people, we are having cm who is liked by congress high command/sonia but not people of ap.cm will swing movement, will create movement, will eliminate movement...but present cm only sleep and do not care what ever happens in state.congress mindset- division or united ap as end result irrespective of intention behind dec.9 statement- will become clear in next one or two weeks with its actions on field.
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