true politics started. Botsa is unhappy due to swift of politics towards united AP in all angles thats why he started division voice openly. he was confident of getting CM chair in andhra state or any divided part if division happens but he and and others like him and their aspirations are on bottom line. these stupids are ready to split AP not for development, but for their self goals. development is possible only in united AP. i SAID, ARGUED THIS WITH CANDID WORDS WITH SRI KRISHNA COMMITTEE. Botsa or any other stupids who are advocating division can not win as they have no support from majority people, intellectuals and scientific reasons, facts point of view. instead they lose people support, will be singled out, defeated in politics and lose their present positions itself. i once again say all these division supporters will get nothing instead losing.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
start of true politics
True politics on Telangana , state division started in 2004 itself with YSR on helm of affairs, he put end to telangana voice itself by 2009 but to the fortunate of telangana based parties, telangana advocators YSR death opened golden door on one hand and on other weak Rosaiah as CM made their political actions with out any obstacles. the written words during YSR was used to get DEC.9 statement by telangana old, young congress leaders from sonia.
seemandhra congress leaders then woke up and started true politics from delhi and state, in state they defeated movement with movement, fast with fast etc...and in delhi put congress high command on toes to move back from dec.9 statement and issued dec.23 statement. counter politics of telangana leaders headed by TRS put politics again in trouble but with committee formation and terms of conditions releasing slowly one after another tactically and putting all nonsense ones behind bars and lathi acting actively on one hand pressurising t congress leaders to fall in line with high command as tool worked well, even leaders like damodar reddy were retreated back, thus t nonsense was put on 50-50 mode by throwing it from 100% formation from govt of india.
now politics started at state level to put all in one line. in fact these are as per pre planned strategy formed immediately after dec.09 statement. congress is moving in that direction and made committee as an effective tool to justify its decisions in future and put permanent end to trs and other separatist voices in any region. one thing is clear here, congress benefit only in united AP, if it is divided then congress must close its doors in present AP forever. if division happens then in telangana TRS, BJP,TDP,MIM will be come strong, so congress will fight for onr or two MP seats and will be no more in state politics effectively due to minimum MLA seats, multiple number of parties. and in seemandhra RRS already emerged, HJagan may form new party, TDP is strong there, so congress should pack up, in uttarandhra also parties can emerge. so no congress. because of this reason congress will not dare for division irrespective of reasons behind its dec.9 decision, even today i see dec.9 decision as strategic decision to end TRS nonsense in state, silence of jagan and second rate leaders running show proves this, in telangana also jagan supporters are quite even now.
of course counter politics from TRS, and old/young Congress fellows with in telangana linking it with votes, and strong trained force of trs coupled with prepared/trained students made situation complex. JAC formation and reduced TRS to ashes by Congress, TDP joining JAC now congress leaving strategically and accepting TRS, BJP, TDP resignations immediately and rejecting resignations of congress, pro PRP persons proves this and by elections will ensure DS in assembly so that safe person will be deputy CM or CM, as DS worked for congress victory along with YSR , but now all t leaders are on competition for AP CM/ DEPUTY CM chair. simple problem is solved.
fact is seemandhra congress leaders can ensure congress win in entire ap, but t congress leaders can not save theie party itself in t region
TDP will put end to T jac, TRS nonsense on ground and gives mind jolting blow to TRS ensuring TRS party permanent closer.
politics also starts now to influence united ap leaders in telangana to give letters supporting united ap to committee and putting check to switch over of seemandhra leaders favouring division.
lets see
Saturday, February 20, 2010
method of promoting suicides in T region
TRS, T JAC and other T leaders teke media mike repeatedly, constantly and says AMARA VEERULAKU JOHARLU, TELANGANA BALIDANATHONE VASTUNDI, TELANGANA VEERULU BALIDANALAKU VENUKADARU, INKA ENNI BALIDANALU KAVALI, TELANGANA VIDYARTHULU BALIDANALU CHESUKUNTUNNARU KABATTI TELANGANA IVVANDI,CHACHHU DO TELANGANA VACHHUDO... conducts grand meeting in the name of every suicide holder and praises them, JAC and TRS and other leaders publicly throughnmedia declares lakhs of rupees compensation for suicide holder family immediately after suicide.declares strike in the name of every suicide.starts their every political program after attending and putting a flower at amara veerula stupam. every t leader starts their speech with student suicides as focus and deciding factor in t state issue.every act here promotes, instigates, encourages suicides.
more important factoe is central govt led by , directed by congress declared dec.9 statement siting students agitation, suicides and students assembly gherao as reasons and popularised them in defending dec.9 statement eventhough they are not at all reasons behind dec.9 statement. immature, ignorant sudents felt these words are true and they are heroes and they should fight more aggressively and offer sacrifices
whither AP politics
AP politics are going to witness un expected changes in near future. some new forces with or with out people support will come in to surface. already united ap voice is starting strongly in telangana region due to dare after long time mum from united ap supporters in t region due to fear, attacks, warnings etc...from t voice holders.
congress will be worst affected may be due to loss of trust in people and people are hating congress high command, congress govt in state, ministers, cm.if congress wants to win people then they must remove rosaiah as cm and completely change present ministry. appoint strong leader as cm to win people on one hand, ensure law and order, win common people,industrialists...if congress fails to do this or delays it then people will treat strong lessons to it as patience has limits and this limit crossed before dec.9 itself.already much delay took place. no one knows when people will burst, already anti social elements, naxals, political in peak level.if congress fails to do this or delays now party may split to win people and get advantage from it, of course t issue may be hurdle but its over now in reality at best 6 months may be delay but unpopularity will be at un bearable limit by that time and i dont think people will be with patience. political equations will change soon, see...
ROSAIAH will remain in history as chief minister in permanence, but meaning will be different. so far in history we have only one i.e. muhammad bin tuglak , who is synonym for wrong, mad decisions eventhough tuglak is genious,but now situation is changed. Rosaiah beated him. from now on wards Rosaiah rule will be remembered for and used to compare all wrong decisions, tensions, floods, mass deaths, police rule, anarchism,excess taxes, suicides, deaths,corruption, kidnaps, murders...ever since he put his leg in secretariat as cm during ysr sad end day state is in sad days with out any breath taking break. every day surprising bad news. floods took thousands, political violence is playing with lives of people in state, no rule in ap, no govt in state...but cm is there, ministers are there as per protocal only.this rosaiah is busy in attending music functions when state is burning, people are in insecurity and looking for cm to act. but he never acts, he only puts onus on some one.rosaiah is master in accountancy, but not in political leadership.
in indian history he will be eternal for his administration and happenings in his tenure forever.
instead of solving problems, ever lasting problems are coming to suface day by day in his rule, forget about who is responsible for it, when there is strong leader in state as cm then 90% of problem is solved in any angle. to day situation is different. he will rule only if every one keeps silent and asks his rule.
whether things went out of hand?
KCR instigated students by showing jobs, provided distorted, manipulated ...history,facts to students, people on t issue. he felt by involving these ones he will get some support to his voice, but situation went out of his hands. suicides of innocent students, exploitation of situation my maoists...shows things are not in his hands. these students are blindly believing his words still today.even after political settlement came in reality students are not in control, they are on road for their interests. who is responsible for this, trs,kcr is directly responsible and after t cong leaders helped these trs leaders. the methods these leaders advocated wrong path, now they are not in control of it. everu teesukunna gothilo vare padatharante ide mari.even telangana forms these students, people who are now instigated by these selfish leaders will not leave them unless they provide their heaven to them, is it possible? no, in present circumstances or in far future govt jobs will not be created in lakhs, projects can not be completed in immediate future even if money there in hand, when money itself is problem then when they will be completed, no one knows its time limit.obviously the snake nurtured by trs,kcr and other t politicians is now started to bite them actively.they have to solve it.maoists find fertile ground because of kcr,trs and t leaders selfish politics involving students. who is responsible for this sin? maoism will increase now, if t forms then it will grow more rapidly and influence neighbouring states badly in heart of india.
i once again say we need strong cm or present one must work strongly or some one should rule behind present cm strongly, congress high command has to work on this.
Friday, February 19, 2010
as iam saying from first day telangana never forms. i give some solid reasons for this
1. big problem was created to eliminate KCR from AP politics scene. congress split, scolded each other..., TDP split scolded congress trs, ... people in telangana ( who are for t state)realised KCR role is nonsense and he has no ability to bring t state, votes for him, his party will be useless. TRS chapter close if it loses half of seats in by elections.
2. congress T leaders, speaker strategically put TRS in dustbin.
3. T congress leaders refused resignations, went out of JAC, OU students were gifted with full doses because they have no role now in political game.TDP will give master stroke to JAC.
4. T congress leaders agreed for committee, seemandhra congress leaders put committee, what committee recommends- united AP, seemandhra leaders were with statistics by jan.5 meeting with chidambaram, so they know all facts in govt, if they feel uncomfortable then they dont ask per committee terms of reference only united ap is optimal solution, even if committee rejects united ap, tdp,prp,rrs will not keep quite,again seemandhra congress must follow united ap movement, committee is having no significance here except time buying to solve political problem and get valid reasons for decision, kcr nonsense can be defeated only with vaild reasons from professionals.
5. MIM did not speak single word for T state, instead they are doing all activities directly,indirectly for united AP.MIM is voicing all united ap words directly, they are ready to enter streets or for movement if politics move towards division.they are spokesperson for united ap voice in hyd,t region, many tdp,congress leaders who are favouring united ap are using diplomatic words and waiting for opportunity, in front of committee they oppose division.
6. TRS provoked persons/agitators will get strong treatment from police...
7. seemandhra movement, support for united ap and support for united ap in telangana is becoming strong and moving towards coming open in t region.
8. powerful seemandhra leaders may enter in to direct action if any thing goes out of hand.
9. now peace came, all nonsense ones who are moving un democratically will face red days....
10. separatists are singled out, defamed in people and support to them is eroded to bottom level. TRS can shut its doors now.TRS felt that now telangana argument is strong so it will win all seats but it forget that t people are against kcr as they knew all issues now about kcr and trs tactics and uses of casting votes for trs, so no votes for trs.
i will write later
Thursday, February 18, 2010
T movement is nonsense in AP. i do not treat it as movement. it is artificial. it is run by paid students, paid party cadre,...for money. all events in the name of movement are run for earning money through collections. it has no reason. attacks, vulgar words, warnings...common in this fake nonsense movement.all reasons shown for movement does not carry any weight, so with out single reason where is movement, it only stupids it is linked to votes every one in politics are quite on this nonsense and every one having interests in hyd thats why they are searching for other routes to defeat this stupids paradise.they dont talk any reasonable word, sentence, they dont listen any one's words, they dont allow any one to speak single word against t this is movement, does it carry any value.dogmatic stupidness running this nonsense.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
AP can not be bifurcated or divided. Telangana is only a political game used by some politicians for their survival and parties for votes, but none will allow solution to T issue as they will lose profit, survival once T issue is solved, there is no T issue , it is only created issue and no solution lies to it except political gain.parties in state, centre will do their best to prevent division of state.-before dec.9
centre govt dictated by sonia took dec.9 decision in either one of my views.1. Divide AP , thus weaken JAGAN, BABU and their commanding role in centre politics as already YSR proved what he is. 2. Defeat, eliminate Telangana issue permanently in AP politics with top to bottom approach. sonia followed first view feeling she is commander of congress in AP, but fumbled due to samaikyandhra movement,lost credibility in people, congress leaders with in state from seemandhra who are powerful leaders, capitalists.damage control activities were started with dec.23 statement, committee appointment... but where she stands is suspicious.she under estimated seemandhra leaders, jagan, babu thus paid price for it with congress losing credibility in people, thus sonia her self ruined congress in ap.committee is only for finding reasons to get some support to sonia's next decision. whether it is division or elimination of separation is known to sonia and her team.but politicians in both sides will not keep quite to accept her decision what ever it may be. she instigated, aggravated separatists then put committee to discus, now she is in trouble due to cent percent wrong dec.9 decision. lets see what she will do, whether she appoints powerful person as CM and eliminates separatism or works under rosaiah leadership by making him powerful to eliminate separatists or continues with rosaiah by not allowing him to use powers thus making him only a rubber stamp thus making separatists strong and divide AP.division means problems, blood bath.united ap means defeat, elimination of separatists politically and force on undemocratic forces in T region. what she prefers? we will find answer in one or two weeks.
second view carries weight because of no real support to T issue from parties on ground,but dec.9 statement made knowing this reality. whether sonia did not know ground reality or sonia knew ground reality but took dec.9 decision according to first view as seemandhra congress leaders left decision to her and she is the boss of congress, already she appointed rosaiah as cm against wishes of all congress leaders, cadre in ap but they accepted now division also gets accepted irrespective of their wish. if she gave value to ground reality then second view.i.e eliminating T issue in ap politics permanently is the cause for dec.9 decision, if she gave no value to ground reality then first view is right. here dec.9 statement is wrong and most risky one even she gave value to ground reality as it strengthens separatists, but it was made this shows first view carries more weight behind dec.9 decision but it failed.
creating a big problem to overcome a problem of considerable size is also a strategy. kcr fast drama, some sort of movement aiding it created problem to congress votes, so create big problem and confusion thus make people forget about kcr, put congress votes intact, divert people from trs...solve or not solve problem is second one. solution is not easy. now kcr is in ashes, trs can not win any seat tdp,congress will decide.only these two can solve problem, others only create problem.
i strongly favours no division plan from sonia due to on going activities.

govt of india appointed committee to do something. t jac is opposing its politicians and forcing them to resign.t movement is being running on screen irrespective of participants. students are aggressive....these are the problems.
govt appointed committee only to ensure peace in state and get reasons to their decision whether it is for division or united state is hidden agenda.and govt can take any decision next only after committee report.
trs rejected committee and many t politicians parties rejected, rejecting committee on one or other ground and asking T state with out any discussions.this is undemocratic, monarchism. monarchy never wins in india, dec.9 decision fall out is immediate example. as long as committee fails to submit its report govt of india can not take any decision, t leaders who are saying many reasons for separation must prove their validity before committee. their reasons are baseless and does not carry any weight thats why they are opposing committee.but one thing is sure whether separatists support or reject committee if committee rejects t state then these separatists, students will be handled with iron hand.these politicians rejecting committee becuse it will examine truth on one hand and on other hand move towards solving problem, once problem solves then they have no political future, thats why they resigned and ready to create problems...only but will not let problem solved.already congress put end to trs, bjp game by accepting their resignations, in their constuencies congress or tdp will win surely.
strong cm or some on ewho rules state under present cm is must now as immediate change of cm may be difficult but not impossible.strong cm will solve entire there is no problem except created game, rossaiah is inefficient.
is indian govt is that much weak to defeat student agitators? is indian govt is that much weak to defeat naxals and their activities in t fake movement directly, indirectly and in student mask? is indian govt is that much weak to fail to punish t agitators who are instigating rivalry, promoting attacks, warnings...against united ap voice in t region? answer to the above questions is definitely NO. indian govt is strong, ap govt is strong but political game from central level made ap govt, indian govt weak on screen. this is sad to india and its future.studets in t region,evry one directly attacking, threatening, ...united ap voice but none is doing any thing against these raskels instead taking decision to appease these rogues. is this is democracy? definitely not. the game from centre support got severe blow with united ap movement, but the fake movement created by it went out of its hands because of involvement of half minded fellows, anti social elements, now they do not listen their master's words. only law should act sternly.
united ap movement will start from now in t region. this is the major fear for these separatists. once it starts it will flood these separatists. because of this reason they are doing their best to continue t movement on screen and attack united ap voice, every one knows what is going on in t region in the name of t movement is with money and for money only, but some innocents losing their life by feeling this fake movement is true.once law acts tough on hard voices in t region then united ap voice will start with confidence, already it is moving in that direction.
the leader of state is the decider of this state destiny and path, success of any movement. if cm is strong united ap voice will start immediately, but due to weak person on cm chair it lost confidence to raise voice, of course t voice could not have risen if strong cm was is the fate of ap people, we are having cm who is liked by congress high command/sonia but not people of will swing movement, will create movement, will eliminate movement...but present cm only sleep and do not care what ever happens in state.congress mindset- division or united ap as end result irrespective of intention behind dec.9 statement- will become clear in next one or two weeks with its actions on field.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Due to T movement T students are worst affected. they are exploited by T leaders. T students foolishly became victims of political game. They have fallen in to the trap of T politicians starting from KCR. T students did not think about reality, they blindly believed words of KCR and other T leaders, started supporting them and losing their lives, receiving fatal blows from police lathis, tear gases,rubber bullets. These students believing that they are heroes and they are fore runners in movement, they also thought to float party in T region. but their demand, approach...has no reason, validity in any angle instead they are losers in all angles.
Facts shows that T region is more developed and on the way to be most developed part of AP state. self respect will not carry any weight in democracy.
T leaders are using students are tool to justify their actions but these actions will benefit politicians only but not students instead they will harm students. except students and heads of different political bodies, caste bodies none in T region are on road. who ever is on road are for collecting money, spending money and earning money only in the name of T movement, but students who are blindly following leaders are becoming scape goats.
if T forms then what will come to T students, students are not going to rule state or influence any decision of govt except going to colleges again and searching for jobs but where they should search when every industry is against to them and industries left hyd/t region and no industries are on way.
because of T movement students are losing academic year on one hand and bad name on other hand in govt, private sectors both with in, out side AP.
if students stop supporting t state then none will support it, politicians will lose support thats why politicians instigating students to stay in movement and offer sacrifices, but these sacrifices are not for students but for politicians.
all facts, reasons shows t demand has no validity. students who are learned to some extent must realise truth and stop supporting T movement/state.but what is happening is contrary to this. some students are getting money from this but what about majority of students who forms 99% of students.
students who are against T movement/state with in T region are keeping themselves quite and watching show run by T politicians and their supporters in students. it is true that majority of students in T region are against T state but they are not voicing instead they are standing besides T slogan raisers. they will pay heavy price for their fear in future if opposite student wins.
politicians only use and throw students according to their need. it is the student to decide what is right , what is wrong. but T students are lacking in this, of course aggressive mode of movement, attacks, warnings...made many students not to voice against minority T voice raisers even though they are projecting this minority voice as majority voice.
T fake movement it self has no validity but valuable student life, career are losing validity because of participation or neutral support to the fake movement.
T students should realise facts on their place in present political game. police will wield lathi everywhere when students behave against politicians wishes or attempts to behave against them, students are allowed to agitate, sacrifice...till their role is needed to support political actions/steps. once political conclusion comes or politicians settles their accounts then students will keep quite other wise lathi will answer. political solution will not be in the hands of students, they can not influence it, they only aid politicians. students has to realise this. present T issue is a major issue, so students be careful.
T students must realise that police know well how to crush so called movement up to root level and no politician can restrict police or anyone can not tie police hands, AP police know all methods.police already cut, cutting all wings of extremists in all any way students are losers.
T students believed words of KCR and other politicians on T issue and causes for movement. statistics are provided by these political leaders only to instigate students. internet used exclusively to propagate false data...these students never checked data provided by politicians, never come across authenticated data, blindly following selfish politicians.the fact is that they are behaving as dogmatic students.professors supporting politicians added fuel to this dogmatism.
T students never thought where is sons/daughters of T politicians and where they are studying and what is their role in T movement.if they think then they will chase T leaders. it is because of student dogmatism politicians are using them as pawns in fake, forceful T movement.
i once again say now steps are towards united AP, it is clearly visible. students will pay heavy price if they continue in politicians/naxals trap.its left to students to think wisely and retreat other wise OU incident is only a starting point. indian govt is not weak to run away from students/naxals...what they are seeing is student ignorance, young age. but it has its limits.limits are crossed before dec.9 itself but still govt is quite, no one knows when it decides, acts tough.Rossaiah may be weak but police are not weak, military is not weak.governor is strong.
OU students and other T studets are strongly feeling they are heroes and only they can win T state with their efforts. but dont know why T state and what is the consequences of it.i strongly say the methodology of students in T region is wrong and will face law immediately.
I said in fore articles about what is going on in Delhi on AP issue and in AP on crisis issue. matching my predictions committee was formed with no telangana word, and resignations are controlled by congress. TDP followed congress. TRS became scape goat. now congress, tdp will decide what will be the future, TRS will sit in home. BJP foolishly opened door for DS to enter in to Assembly by resigning its seat- nizamabad where DS lost election-. DS entry in to house will make congress problem easy as he can be trusted by both sides and crucial posts can be offered to him including deputy chief minister or chief minister if possible with out deputy chief minister till 2013 so that jagan could enter secretariat before elections to ensure party win in 2014 elections.
TRS which is nothing but nonsense in assembly foolishly left house thus made congress job, tdp job comfortable. speaker strategically put end to nonsense trs.tdp legislator who resigned may be out of tdp. those congress leaders who are sticky to resignations will lose political career in congress.
committee is boycotted by trs due to fear of negative result as its demand has no validity.and decided to stay out of house, committee to create nonsense, influence parties with its activities, but solution will come other way and most possibly for united ap only. trs has no role in positive or negative result on t issue, congress tactically threw trs in to ashes, tdp worked well in this game.trs strategy got severe jolt right from first day with police taking lathi in to hand every where. now they will treat lessons to trs cadre, students who ever forces others,promotes enemity...all tactics of trs. thus kcr himself should search for his safety forget about others. his party men will become against to him due to resignations with in 6 months after winning, stiff contest from congress,tdp in elections as now every one is championing t cause on screen and tickets issue. so trs will be in ashes soon.
for congress reality surfaced after its foolish dec.9 decision. if still it is going with dec.9 approach then it will be no more in india politics surely, it must use committee as a time buying tool on one hand and defeating separatism tool on other hand with no separation conclusion from committee. already RRS formed showing no future to congress in present ap politics,prp took united ap stand and tdp is united ap party in reality,and babu will be crucial in centre from state or directly from centre due to present dirty congress game, jagan did not lose single vote or his supporting leader in t region even during crisis and they are with him. congress has to decide what to do?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
T movement is artificial, it was created by KCR during his fasting with money, provocation and lies. but centre took dec.9 decision siting genuineness of movement when every one in common public knows that it was not genuine movement and has no people support. centre rubbed dec.9 decision on T people forcefully. in democracy decisions are made by people, but it has its limits. in any angle dec.9 decision is wrong from people point of view, from nation point of view.seeing foolishness of dec.9 statement everywhere in country movements started for separate states, they are also eligible in fact some of them are genuine movements and has credibility to become states, but they were refused why? when T fake movement resulted in dec.9 statement , then why not others? only centre could answer for this, they are giving all nonsense reasons for this. thus centre itself dividing india and dividing people of india and creating clashes between people of india. centre is no more. chidambaram is unfit to be home minister of india along with present decision makers in delhi both with in , out side govt. they dont know ground realities with in india, in a state then how can they run country? its blot on democracy of india.clearly india is now in wrong hands, congress party members has to answer for this.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
MYTH: AP is totally divided in to two parts, one- telangana, two-seemandhra.
REALITY: People are not divided in to two parts or any number of parts claimed by politicians. people are united and do not feel politicians words as they felt politicians are doing everything for their sake but not for people.
MYTH: All telangana people are demanding t state.
REALITY: number of people in t region who are demanding t state in only HYD none is asking t state.
MYTH: Telangana movement is 54 year old, samaikyandhra movement is a month old.
REALITY: Telangana movement never existed or existing now also. if Telangana movement existed then why it merged with Andhra state in 1956 and how it is possible if movement existed. Vishalandhra movement rose up in Telangana asking its merger with Andhra state. where is T movement in 1956 and from 1956-69, 1969-2001.why TRS could not contest all seats alone in 2004,9 elections, why TRS could not win in 2009 in seats it contested.
samaikyandhra movement existing from british days , its name may vary but intention/goal is same.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Committee! for what?
congress high command- not govt of india- formed committee for consultations. irrespective of its terms of reference what is the intention behind forming committee and report content getting from committee.committee is a tool to justify one's actions by siting committee findings/recommendations/advises as genuine ones.may be possible reasons behind forming committee
1. To buy time to defeat, eliminate separatism politically.- committee will submit report for united ap and sites reasons for it and submits in appropriate time that will help politically.
2. To justify division plans with reasons- committee will justify division and site reasons for it and submit report in needed time.
3. To declare Hyd is not part of Telangana even if T happens or T demand comes to surface in future- committee will recommend united state,recommend hyd is collective property and can not be part of T region if separation happens.- it will check separation demand in future as people, leaders can not claim on hyd even if they raise all movement is for hyd, if parties say hyd is not part of t region then they will lose, but if it comes from committee then every one will accept.
4. To solve regionalism problem permanently by getting suggestions from committee and making amendments to the constitution to defeat regionalism and associated politics with it by taking t issue as an example or starting point.
5. Solving all problems in state politically and solve go.610, free zone...problems and making all equal. and providing facts to the people on which separatists claiming separate state, thus defeating separatists on one hand and solving political, administrative problems on other hand by siting committee report.
6. buying time to solve separation, unionist problem politically and then smashing committee by siting no need of committee as problem is solved.
goals may be mixed
sri krishna committee has no planning commission member, no historian, no interpret things in genuine way and do right judgement. planning commission member knows importance of every project and the goal behind it and causes of each project/plan/policy in preparing , implementing in certain area.
ultimately committee serves congress high command interests whether it is separation agenda or unionist agenda, so chances could not be taken, thats why committee should be rejected.thus its validity and its recommendations will not be binding on unionists if it recommends separation, but if it recommends uninism then acceptance or reject does not matter.
one thing is certain and must for congress high must put end to t issue well before 2014 elections. till 2009 there was no party with clear cut stand on united ap, people depended, trusted their leaders in parties, but t issue was sole agenda of trs and others, now situation changed, prp took clear cut stand on united ap, Rayalaseema party with clear cut stand on united AP may emerge, and present critical political situation forced people to ask or vote for only that party which exclusively guarantees united AP.. counter emerged to the trs in seemandhra region, hyd and united ap seeking constituencies in t region. as long as there was no party on clear stand on united ap issue parties-cong,tdp or others can play with t issue, but now they have no option as present situation proved to the people that they should not trust any leader and go for single point party. double speak will benefit prp,trs. single word policy must, but it can not be taken unless problem is solved, for tdp its second as it is not in power and has no authority to solve it, but for cong it is congress has to solve it and that too keeping people, business...national interest in mind. tdp likes this as it has no responsibility except putting cong in problems , committee will not solve problem, committee will aid to solve problem, even if committee recommends 100% for t state or united ap that can not be welcome unless politics changes and favours single decision. it is the crux of this issue. can cong win politics? already it is running indirect/direct governor rule by putting security expert as governor so that it could end movement in t region with iron hand, once movement ends in nay form then political action starts.lets see
here point is separatists asking committee on separation issue only, they are saying separation is justifiable and siting various reasons for it, if these reasons are justifiable and carries validity to form separate state then why they fear about committee in holistic sense.this shows separation has no valid reasons.
selfish raskels, senseless people...nonsense movement
T agitation is started by selfish raskels in politics, employment, education,caste...- TRS, EMPLOYMENT BODIES HEADS, CASTE WING HEADS...-this movement is supported by senseless people by believing words of these selfish so called leaders, in fact these people dont know what they are doing in true sense. in reality by supporting these rakels they are destroying their future and moving backward, of course moving forward or backward is left to their wisdom, but they are influencing lives of seemandhra, hyd people also to move backward against their wish. as i discussed earlier in my past articles T movement results, resulting in loss to T people and they are experiencing it right from 2001 with Nov 09 acting as clear mark point. every industry in T region is suffering loses, real estate industry is closed in reality and in acute loses...but these fellows dont leave their slogan. students who are expected to be learnt are following taliban ideology. their slogans are" telanganakaddoste addamga narikestam" vadevvadu veedevvadu telanganakaddevvadu" pranalaina arpistam telangana sadhistam" pranalaina teesestam telangana saadhistam" " hyderabad evadabba sothu ra"...all vulgar, exiciting slogans making, provoking animocity between people, attacks and suicides...
this nonsense movement is for well being of t politicians but for destruction of people of t region, people of ap. these people, students forget YSR immediately after his death, they forget his fee reimbursement schemes for students, jala yagnam, araogya sri...and treating him as their enemy after benefitting all from him. traitors. they beleive every word said by their leaders and dont think, question, act on truth. because of this type of dogmatism which they are displaying now leaders of this region exploiting it for their gain, instead of revolting against selfish raskels they are backing these these raskels are advocating militant movement, lets see what happens.
some people especially T leaders are saying leaders who are fighting for T state, maoist has no role in T movement, it is peoples movement. and leaders, maoists are quite contrary to each other and does not carry validity to the words of seemandhra/samaikyandhra leaders. but here fact is that both leaders n T region, maoists are oposite to each other, but both want separate T state for their interests, they have their own designs after T formation, leaders think after T formation they can crush maoists but they need maoists support for T formation, maoists think they need leaders support for T formation, after T formation they will become strong. both of them came together now for their interests in single cause, after it is achieved they start their work.
time has come for samaikyandhra leaders, activists to follow tough stance against these stupids, patience has limits and they have crossed it in 2001 itself, no more patience is preferabale now, use tough stance to defeat separatists, eliminate separatists.
strong leader should take leadership of samaikyandhra movement and run the show.
the strategy behind dec.9 statement of congress- not govt of india- which is popularly known as chidambara rahasyam is nothing but eliminating T issue completely in AP politics.some people say it is for dividing AP, but i feel it is not for dividing AP but to keep it united forever and check all parties in state, centre from using T issue and dividing congress votes in AP.
We all know that T issue is not priority issue in 2009 elections and T issue was never used in 2009 election in any form except by TRS. congress depended on development, YSR charishma. TDP depended on corruption, alternative to congress,political murders...PRP depended on social justice, minimum needs...
all parties did not give consent to T state demand on dec.7 meeting with CM. TDP,PRP gave in principle support but did not accepted t state, MIM, LOK SATTA did not say single word,CONGRESS left it to high command so that high command will discus with all leaders in state and decide on congress stand.rossaiah committee is in start of its business. so there is no validity and does not send any signal to centre on acceptance of t state.
congress knew well that seemandhra leaders of all parties, hyd leaders of all parties, majority leaders in rest of telangana will not accept t state, people of state are for united ap only and united state only will develop, division creates un ending problems resulting in backward movement of both and also knew its position if division happens.
every reason supports there is no validity in dec.9 statement but still it was made, why? is there is any conspiracy to divide state? or strategy to put permanent end to separatists in AP and save congress in AP,INDIA? i prefer second one. of course it could have done with other strategies, but due to counter games of parties in ap-tdp,trs,prp,lok satta... made congress game complex. we have to observe that this situation is complex itself in nature, and it was made more complex for desired results.
see now in future, committee will lose its significance, congress will eliminate separatists with in party by putting powerful leader as head of affairs in open or in covert.trs...militant elements will be defeated, unpopularised and suppressed, next elections no separatist voice, ap will move or decide firmly on united ap position.
people should know that both T movement, samaikyandhra movement were creations after KCR irked congress with his fake fast supported by students provoked by him, but whether KCR went for fast with or with out knowledge of congress is in question mark?,what ever may be TRS played counter game in first phase well, but after it lost everything,now it its fate is in question mark, BJP can not ask votes with T name.congress safe, TDP safe, PRP safe, but TRS is no more.
its only a prediction with reason
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
There is no need to accept committee on ap/t issues. accepting committee means accepting dispute, when there is no validity to dispute raised some nonsense persons then why committee should be accepted. problem should be solved with politics only.
congress high command, which takes decisions of central govt declared that it appointed a committee with sri krishna as chairman on ap issue/t issue. wording of home ministry is double edged knife, any one can interpret it in any way either in favour to them or opposite to them.
this committee has v.k.duggal- ex home secretary and two professors in the committee one is on social sciences, one is on constitutional law and other person is a senior research fellow on food security.
committee should be rejected with out any second thought who ever wishes united ap. in my past article i suggested committee formation as part of solution to the ap problem, but not a solution to the problem. the conditions to form committee is entirely different from present, facts from dec.9 showed that congress high command especially mr. chidambaram has covert agenda to divide ap. i have discussed reasons why iam saying that congress is in favour of division in past articles.
committee is a safe route to get authentication to wishes of those who forms it. if wishes of committee formers are justifiable and represents true wishes of people but some obstacles are there to implement justifiable people wish then committee can be formed to get authentication on people wish. if wishes of committee formers are against people wish, has no justice and obstacles are there to implement their selfish wishes then also committee is safe route to get justification of their wishes. here committee will recommend what committee formers want. committee will be formed with members of those who favours committee formers decisions/wishes in direct/in direct way and finds reasons to justify their wishes.
committee has sharp edges on both sides. committee formers will decide what committee should report and how it should justify its stand and when committee has to submit its report.
terms of reference of committee are crucial and its out come will influence decision.
committee recommendations will decide fate of ap irrespective of govt in centre or state accepts its recommendations, because of complexity in ap issue. so committee recommendation is crucial and congress high command using this route to justify its decision on ap issue. but so far centre/congress high command did not represent true wishes of people of ap, all sections of ap except a few selfish leaders in t congress high command has no trust in people of ap.
reasons why iam opposing committee
1. congress high command intention is 100% suapicious
2. committee need is not there in ap.
3. committee has no telugu person- political,edu- who knows telugu people mindset,culture...
4. committee has no right to decide fate of people of ap, india.
5. committee members mind set-negative/positive- should not dictate fate of people of ap,india
6. congress favoured committee route only to justify its decision on ap issues irrespective of opposition from any one with in ap,india and shut down all voices in rest of india.
7. committee may or may not give single verdict, it may give different views both far and against division thus it again creates problem.
8. no party, people in any region/district is binded by the decisions of committee, they oppose it if it is against their wishes.
9. on what basis seemandhra congress leaders say committee will recommend united state. it will be 50-50 only.
10. committee formation status, validity to the recommendations of committee are suspicious.
11. committee was formed after dividing people with dec.9 statement when separatists has no support in t region. centre assured people that t state will be formed against so far strong belief in people that ap can not be divided. centre made separatists strong, and did not arrest unlawful,undemocratic activities, approaches of separatists.
12. congress knew that congress leaders in seemandhra, hyd and many leaders in t region are against t state. tdp leaders are against t state. prp,cpm will not support separation. so where is support for separation. it knows that people of t region are against t state. so it gave dec.9 statement, it assured people that t state is formed and easily formed if they ask and strengthened separatists. now it formed committee for consultations. that means before forming committee it intentionally divided parties in state, assured t people that they will get t state if they ask. so committee is not acceptable.
13. committee members will be having their own ideology in dealing with every issue and their recommendations will represent their ideology only. if we ask an economist he/she looks with economist's view and replies in that view only, the same thing is viewed, interpreted by others. i.e. views of every one is different according to their ideology, but here needed thing is people unity, true development,national unity, solving regionalism, preventing problems in india,ap forever...for this purpose committee has no role. so far no committee solved any problem satisfactorily. any way ap is going to be in problems and no committee or govt or party can solve problem except congress,tdp. meeting of congress-tdp at high level will solve problem simply, but congress dont want to talk with naidu and proceed in its own way.if we analyse a situation by making it pieces then solution will be in pieces manner only, there will be no single solution or unique solution or all solutions will not be in complementarity to each other or support each other as it is represented by different's prescription for each ailment with each drug will not cure body's illness instead it creates more problems due to over dose, confused treatment, unwanted drugs, side effects of all drugs or single drug of those used, fatal influence of single or all drugs, and mainly identification of all ailments in right quantity. patient needs minimum or single drug to cure all ailments and assures healthy body with out side effects.committee never gives or can not give single solution.
committee is acceptable only if it is intended for united ap wish of congress high command and committee works according to it. but so far happenings proved congress high command is working against united ap and against people's wish. and committee is only a way to find reasons for justifying its covert agenda.
if congress high command is following top to bottom approach and it mixes it with political action then committee is welcome. but we can not trust congress party in both sides so oppose committee thus keep option with you to accept or reject committee recommendations when they are made and come to road again if they are against your wish.
committee serves only to buy time for political actions. as i said earlier only politic actions will solve t problem in state.
lets see what congress high command do. whether it appoints strong leader as cm in ap and allows him/her to do all political equations or continues with present old weak political fellow but acts itself strong from delhi. its actions will give signals on committee report.
of course centre can dissolve committee at any time when it feels there is no need for committee and problem is solved, problem solves politically only, so gavt can find time to do political equations, as true politics starts from now only so far only crisis management, check to check politics happened. on one side committee will do its work on other side politics will start work. once politics solves problem then there is no need for committee but committee can be continued with united ap verdict so that separatism will get permanent end. but centre intention, actions on ground are in question mark.
I prefers to reject committee irrespective of work it will do or help in decision making or justifying decision. committee is a route for congress to save it self in both regions of ap only. decision of committee is already made by the congress and wants its decision in the form of committee decision to justify its decision. division idea of ap is dangerous and leads to division of india in to pieces, there is no doubt in this. ap has all unity factors than india, if ap is divided itself then why not india. separation issue in ap has to be solved with politics,force but not with committee or elections. some people are saying ap is not under same rule in history, but ap is mostly ruled as single unit from satavahans to major extent, but india is never under same rule in its 5000 year old history even during british rule. so india is eligible to divide in to pieces.during british rule himalayan hill areas from makran coast to mizoram are not under british rule, french,portugal , dutch...ruled india.
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