no one knows what is going on ap issue with confidence and it can be rightly called with sage chidambara rahasyam. but whether chidambaram know what he is doing is a million dollar question. some one started political game with expecting some thing but games with counter games started resulting in present all confusion state but it is posing serious questions to unity and integrity of telugu people and indian i already said in fore articles there is not even single valid reason to form t state, if it forms then india will divide in near future and plunges in to political crisis and no one knows what will happens as political system fails in country.
decision makers in delhi whether it is sonia or manmohan team did blunder mistake knowingly by declaring t state formation process on dec.9.iam saying dec.9 statement is blunder mistake but it is right from their point of view.
reasons they said to defend their dec.9 statement are
1. t movement is 55 year old,
2. movement arose from people, has impact on parliament meeting,
4. kcr was on edge of coma/life.
clarifications from me on these reasons.
1. t movement is political only. in 1956 while merging t districts with andhra state it was merged after passing resolution in assembly with 2/3 majority, vishalandhra movement influenced merger of t districts with andhra state, some leaders might have opposed merger, but people wished merger.vishalandhra movement was both in t districts of hyd state, andhra state.
from 1956 to 1969 none either leaders or people voiced for t state, chenna reddy voiced it in 69 for political gain only. and indira assured in clear cut words on united ap forever. from 1969-2001 i.e.till trs formation none voiced or even thought of t state.kcr breathed politically due to tough competition in ap politics in 2004 elections, but no person either from seemandhra, t region is for t state as trs is a party and they felt kcr wants space in politics only.trs completely failed in 2009 elections with t state voice. so people rejected t state. every one is saying every party took t stand in 2009 elections, but truth is 2009 elections were not faught on t issue, no one talked about t issue in elections, development,corruption...are election issues.and no party said it will support t state immediately or in near future and linked their t support with other issues. so no voice in reality, but centre says voice says voice is 55 years old, so in thie view 55 year old voice irrespective of its existence or genuineness has validity to create state, if this is the case then there are hundreds of regions asking statehood from britishers period, why they are not made states and not considered for statehood. dravida country demand is from independence, why it is not made separate country by bifurcating many years india is going to stay in its present condition? in centre's view as per their dec.9 statement and its defending words on it india is going to be short lived say around 100-200 years. so far india is there from last 5000 years and india formed after colonial rule only 63 years back. where is 63 years, where is 5000 years. is there is any meaning to say that 55 year old voice is a reason for dec.9 statement or creating state.2.
2. t movement is not from people, out of 4 crore people how many people supported t movement and duration of their movement.who did movement, why they did movement, how they did movement, what is the reasons they said for movement-in the movement. out of 4 crores a few thousands did movement, maoists supported movement openly, lies were told to people for movement, people were provoked with hatred towards fellow seemandhra people by lies and tempting words.method of movement is violence,attacks,black mails,warnings...the reasons shown for t state has no validity from any angle and has no justification.students did movement as per govt of india, how many students did movement, how many are willing to do movement , how many want t state...shows students forcefully made to stand with their leaders. why they did movement is also known to people,govt in true people did not do movement and those did has reasons from their own interests point of govt justification is wrong.
3.parliament did not say give t state, it only said find a way to save kcr from coma problem. that does not mean give t state, even if parliament disrupted what happens, if parliament disturbance is the reason to create state then every one create disturbance to get state for them. so this justification from govt is wrong.
4. kcr fast is drama, treatment shows the will not go in to coma or lose life,people, govt knew this fact well. potti sriramulu died after 58 days with genuine fast, how kcr or any other person dies in a week time even if they do fast in genuine, even if they die can govt create state when there is no genuine reason to form state. this shows govt justification is wrong.
microscopic minority voice got recognition in making dec.9 statement against truth, justice, national interest, genuine interests of people of ap,india. majority voice failed. so what next? these microscopic minority became majority on screen but not in reality due to grab opportunity which came in to their hand by surprise and suppressed true majority voice with use of all means in t region.
the reasons sited for dec.9 statement and reality on ground are contradictory, so every one in india who has separatist thoughts became strong and started, starting their actions. so division of india started both as parts of india and separate from india.
continuous defence of dec.9 statement by centre and efforts it is doing for it and free hand of minority separatists in t region to project themselves as majority and whole also with out checks from any one- govt. proved that any single person or family can get state irrespective of people wish.this minority is doing everything to pressure central govt to stick to dec.9 statement and ensure separation. and became strong due to failure of govt in state, centre in discharging their duties both in decision making, maintaining law and central govt itself created, strengthening separation support in direct, indirect means. its state sponsored separation.politics, counter politics, interests of parties...made present situation putting centre in boiling water surrounded by fire.its an example of suicide of india by itself because of false,selfish thinking of decision makers in delhi.
the above discussion shows that dec.9 statemet was made by central govt run by congress with its allies by knowing all facts. here no answer questions in the minds of people of ap are 1. why rossaiah throw kcr fast problem immediately in to centre court instead of ensuring law and order in state as a chief minister, if he has any problem in maintaining law and order then he should ask help from central govt to ensure additional forces.instead of solving law and problem posed by a small group of people why centre was asked to take decision on t demand immediately, directly with out doing any attempt to protect law and order in state.why state govt headed by rossaiah did not restrict media especially private tv channels from projecting kcr fast as true even after he took juice in khammam itself and why live coverage is not stopped or restricted even it is posing law and order problems.
second -why centre took direct decision when every one knows facts on kcr fast,movement run by trs-students in ou...affiliated to t issue/trs, and facts on ap people wishes, national interest and coming problems...
this political game is dangerous game played by parties in centre, state. it has only negative consequences on ap people, india. what ever the reasons may be behind dec.9 statement from game point of view but it resulted in separatists becoming strong in ap, india. if they are not crushed, defeated completely and un popularised in ap,india...then india will face serious consequences in immediate future starting from ap. movement of kcr can be countered with movement with in t region for united ap, simple problem is solved, why separatists are allowed to get strength and play counter games with party in centre, state , govt in centre.ofcourse separatists have their strategies politically so that they can influence people.
we can analyse dec.9 decision from centre/congress in two angles. first to form t state as every party in state declared in principle support to it as parties are first in democratic set up to know pulse of people in theory. t parties, students and those who are participating in t movement asking t state immediately so state formation process has to be started immediately so that it can not loss votes in t region and as seemandhra people agreed to t state there will be no problem to it parties in principle approval of t state demand is taken as final approval in decision making, if we start discussions then we may loss votes in t region because it will be projected as cheating and discussions will never end towards conclusion, those who are against t state in both regions will follow aicc decision due to decision of sonia as already they followed sonia decision in jagan's it can be win-win to the party and no other demands will be entertained because in ap problem is solved with approval of all people, parties there.
second, trs created tough situation to the congress and against the wishes of all parties except trs. but it got popularity in t region to certain extent so it will remain in 2014 elections, bjp,trs along with main opposition tdp and prp,lok satta will use this issue to defeat congress winning chances in ap/india. so permanent solution has to be found to t issue so that t issue should be no more in ap politics forever. as ysr is not there state leader of congress can not deal with trs problem except jagan but aicc is against making jagan as cm due to their resons so it should solve problem on its own so that it can prove that it is supreme in one hand and save party in ap, india and put it in winning path in 2014 elections. for this if aicc denies t state or crushes t movement with force then it will be counter productive to it, more over many t leaders in state, centre are in favour of t state with in congress so it is a complex one at the same time every one in t region-people,leaders...should know that t state can not be formed in any circumstances by any one who ever sits in delhi chair, this enables permanent end to separation it checks politicians asking votes in the name of t state irrespective of the approach should be people centric.i.e people will know all problems in separation, discuss among themselves, thinks facts...and makes decision on separation now itself, when people realises all problems in separation process and no possibility for separation and negatives in separation for every one then they dont support separatists from any party in any form and parties will take united ap stand follow top to bottom approach, against bottom to top approach, top to bottom approach is demanded by separatists, bottom to top approach is ysr statement. every one knows that bottom to top approach means no separation. here point is centre should convince people that it is dedicated to form t state and act accordingly leaving no stone turned but it failed in separation because of facts, obstacles in separation and negatives in separation from people of both regions, ap,india both in short, long term. so bjp can not claim championsip to form t state in any elections as congress failed to form t state even after dedicated efforts, so bjp or any govt can not form due to above said reasons, this should be the conclusion in peoples mind. so with one stroke all problems will follow separatists favour approach with start and slowly shift to unionists favour by siting facts.committee of experts will provide facts here so that no political gain can be obtained from it, problem is solved both with in party, congress problem in ap, congress problem in delhi.
if we see statements of chidambaram and actions of delhi from dec.9 we can sense second angle. first direct statement on t state process, dec.23. second statement- wide range of consultations-one step down, third- committee of experts formation-two steps down, next will be committee recommendation in 2-3 years favouring united ap, then decision will be united ap from govt and congress party stand point siting facts, recommendations of committee, next will be tdp openly taking united ap stand safely siting committee recommendations, and also political counter to congress.those who remains with t stand still after committee recommendation will get defeated in elections due to understanding of facts by people.
during committee tenure all ground work will be done from leaders, people , development point of view towards united ap through political strategies, powerful cm, fast development...jagan may be cm in immediate future-3-6 months,1 year as he is need now irrespective of aicc wish.trong points for second approach- more than 90% of t people are in favour of united ap now, those advocating separation are with ultra methods and they are not touched so far to suppress them with law,by votes separatists has no support once they are isolated on any reason base, once that reason is from valid source then parties will be safe due to their early mistake while allying with trs...
if seconf approach is right then trs will be no more in ap politics and separatist voice will be no more. if first approach is right then all separatists will get strength and t will form.
here terms of references to the committee, validity to the committee report, who heads committee, who will be the members of committee and time of report submission in reality by the committee and the report content are crucial. we know that committee will not solve problem, but it will create conditions favourable for solving problem- time, justice, facts...making people think, know facts and take decisions on sound grounds, on other side committee time will enable party in power or opposition to take political actions with in their parties and it is also true that only time can solve complex problems, so committee time will solve problem.finally committee report or content will enable parties to justify their decisions when committee favours their wish in reality. so committee is crucial and political steps are crucial, both play equal role here, thats why when govt decides to form committee terms of reference, report, report validity will play key role. so united ap leaders must be careful as people, leaders in united ap side do not trust central govt at present, future because of aicc favourability to separatists. of course whether it is truly favourable to separatists or unionists on ground will be kn own only in commitee report and political actions and changes it introduces in ap politics during committee tenure itself, but chance should not be given to centre alone to decide on united ap status so options should be kept with united ap leaders to accept or reject committee report, as report is nothing but views of some menbers, who ever they may be they are humans more over no judge gives same judgement on same issue, if every judge gives same judgement then why judgements are taken by majority view and appeal system is there.and terms of reference should not be on top to bottom approach.
if congress itself is behind this game from kcr fast drama then it will follow first one, if it has no hand behind this crisis and wants to save unity and integrity of country and works for justice,facts then it will follow second approach. irrespective of reason if congress follows first one then it is committing suicide in india and putting india in danger, if it follows second one then it will get its lost national party status. the situation in telangana is completely different from dec.9 as t parties, leaders became strong with it and putting their best behind it. lets see, how delhi handles
in people's view congress started this game to achieve something in party but it landed in crisis and put state,india in crisis as things went out of its hand and became counter productive with check-check strategy. what cong do now
so far united ap activists, activities are silent in hyd/t region. mim and cpm are also silent. unionists are doing attempts to enter, check separatists championship of separatist voice as projecting themselves as sole representatives of t voice in toto and there is no unionist voice in t region. already stage managed t show is becoming thin and true face of this fake movement is visible clearly to every one. OU university which claimed championship on t issue is no more, unionist voice in OU came to surface as they are silent so far due to different reasons, MIM is also may become active if they think they need to act and unionist meeting in hyd/t region, students starting to enter in to hyd,t region through marches as every unionist is doing their efforts to enter in to t region in one form or another and t voice raisers are attacking with words so far and dont know what happens in immediate days.
its only my prediction. wait and see results, what will match with my thoughts- first or second