T demanding leaders are continuously saying that naxals are not present in the T agitation and naxals can not be in the agitation as long as so called doras are there in the agitation, so what ever united AP leaders are saying about presence of naxals in the T agitation is wrong.
facts here are naxals are agressive, playing main role in the movement fron nov.29 itself as per police sayings and facts on ground from OU and other places, so called doras joined T agitation after dec.9 to grab the golden opportunity given by sonia with foolish dec.9 decision, but naxals are still continuing in this agitation, naxals openly extended their support to T agitation, issued threat to life to political leaders to resign for T state demand and participate in movement, declared bandh calls etc....many naxals are being arrested, encountered, OU fate is known well.
why both - doras, naxals are participating in this?
with out participation of both T state formation is not possible, strong participation of both is also not enough to form T state in reality, but dec.9 statement gave golden opportunity to doras to carve out state for them, every one knows that it was not KCR or TRS that made problem complex but vertical split of congress party that made T issue complex.
naxals need T state formation for their designs in india as a whole. because to weaken present AP state , which is powerful opponent to them in india as a state itself with strong money, muscle power. social strcture in T region support naxal movement after T formation because of concentration of power in hands of so called doras from top to bottom level, fly away of industries,jobs etc...increase unemployment on one hand on other hand doras who promised jobs during t agitation can not provide them to students, cases are there already...this creates fertile base ground for maoist upsurge on one hand, strength of maoists in central india increases.so that maoists will be undefeated in central india from T region to bihar.T state can not defeat maoists because so called doras took maoists help directly ormindirectly for T formation, so passive approach has to be followed atleast to some time to prevent people opposition to the leaders, money of state will be limited, manpower will be limited, structures take time to set up and strengten themselves even money provided, the state govt has to depend on centre for everything. failure of so called doras in govt, welfare, development,employment...on one hand existing opposition to doras in social strcture on other hand will provide heaven to naxal movement.
doras might have felt they can use naxals now as they are themselves participating in movement, lets have passive approach towards them now as they are providing support to the so called agitation, once T forms then we can crush them in the name of law and order.but they can not do it in reality.